CIEL | Blog: The Innovation Pipeline

Dr Fiona Short
CIEL Innovation Pipeline

CIEL and our Members have lots to look forward to over the next 12 months. We’ve got a host of new industry reports delivering the science and evidence needed to help address identified industry challenges. Members will be able to join further Open Innovation Groups, aiming to accelerate innovation in a safe, pre-competitive environment. And there’s the continuation of our popular series of Member exclusive CIEL Insights Webinars, fuelling discussion and sowing the seeds for new ideas.

With so much going on, the CIEL Innovation Team will host a CIEL Insights Webinar on 7 March at 1.30pm to give our Members an exclusive look at events and initiatives they can be part of during 2023. If you’re not yet a member of CIEL, take a listen to the CIEL Insights Podcast, or read our other blogs to see what topics we’ve covered so far.

What can CIEL Members expect from this latest CIEL Insights Webinar?

The CIEL Insights: Innovation Pipeline webinar will outline what we have in store for the coming year and provides more insight into our exciting plans. The event will be led by CIEL’s Interim Director Phil Bicknell and Dr Mark Young, Head of Innovation at CIEL. Each will be supported by colleagues from the Innovation and Business Development teams.

Thought Leadership Reports

Top of the list are our Thought Leadership Reports, beginning with the launch of the extremely topical report on ‘Living with the Risk of Bird Flu’ on Tuesday 4 April. New reports that will continue informing the journey towards Net Zero Carbon & UK Livestock will follow in the Summer and Autumn. In July, we’ll also be showcasing the UK animal health ecosystem and the clear, evidenced-based benefits of investing in animal health.

Open Innovation Groups

Our successful Feed and Nutrition Open Innovation Groups, have been meeting for a year now, and we will be providing an update on where we are and regarding our future plans based on learnings. There will also be an update on the recently introduced and highly sought after Health and Welfare Open Innovation Group.

CIEL Insights Events

We’ve developed a comprehensive programme of CIEL Insights Webinars for the coming months. These will continue to highlight findings from CIEL’s reports, showcase Members and focus on topical, industry-led issues and themes.

In-person events and meetings will play an equally important part of the CIEL offer for Members, including moving forward with our Aquaculture focus and maximising opportunities for Members to network and discover more about the research capability available and projects underway at CIEL-supported research facilities

Throughout the webinar we’ll be inviting feedback, thoughts, and ideas to further inform future plans. Questions will be actively encouraged! Feel free to get in touch beforehand to help get your question first in the queue!

If you recognise you could benefit from the support of CIEL, find out more about becoming a CIEL Member and we look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events.

The CIEL Innovation Pipeline
To find out more about our work, our projects and partnerships, choose a category from the list:
Dr Fiona Short, Innovation Manager – Nutrition
Working within the innovation team, Fiona provides scientific insight and translation of technical research to support industry members and help ensure its impact is realised across the supply chain. Fiona has spent the majority of her career working in the animal health and nutrition industry, specialising in monogastrics, with over 17 years in research and a further six in industry.
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